
Reed-Custer School District 255 online registration for the 2025-26 school year will begin February 1st.  Online registration will be accessible through PowerSchool. Parents that register online by March 31st are eligible for a discount.

You can log into your existing PowerSchool account to register your child.  YOU DO NOT NEED A NEW USERNAME OR PASSWORD IF YOU ARE CURRENTLY LOGGING INTO POWERSCHOOL.  If you do not have an account in PowerSchool to register your child, please contact your child’s school building’s secretary. When you log in, you must click POWERSCHOOL REGISTRATION, not Class Registration.  Follow the registration instructions located in PowerSchool.  

During the registration process, you must register every child in your household that is a Reed-Custer student.  You will have two internet options for fee payment. You can pay by credit card or electronic check through Revtrak. You can also call the Administration Center (815-458-2307) and create a payment plan.

Preferred web browsers for online registration are Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer 11 or Safari.  You can use the Internet on most smartphones to register.  The PowerSchool app (available for iOS or Android) will not allow access to online registration.  Computers are also available at Fossil Ridge Library.

If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact your student’s building secretary or the RC Technology Team. 
Click "PowerSchool Registration,"(not "Class Registration")
Kindergarten Registration ​will be available starting March 12, 2024.  Inform​ation on Kindergarten Registration can be found by clicking below​. ​

High School students may be registered for IHSA activities at the same time!

Transfers:  Parents/Guardians must obtain a Student Transfer Form from the student's previous school and provide it to our building secretary in order to enroll in the Reed-Custer School District.  A county birth certificate is required.

New residents will register by appointment with the building secretary for school of attendance. A county birth certificate is required.

RCES (K-5): (815) 458-2145 (New Resident Registration unavailable from 6/23-7/31)

RCMS (6-8): (815) 458-2868​ (New Resident Registration unavailable from 6/16-7/31)

RCHS (9-12): (815) 458-2166 (New Resident Registration unavailable from 6/19-7/31)

Residency must be established for all new students and anyone who has moved.  First view our Residency Verification List, then click on the Residency Form linked below.  Be sure to read the section regarding the original documents which must be submitted.

Student Records Upon Admission: A student may not be refused enrollment because of that student's failure to present his or her permanent or temporary record from a school previously attended.  When a new student applies for admission and does not present his or her last school student record, we will notify the school or school district last by such student, requesting that the student's school records be copied and sent to us and that such a request be honored within 15 days prescribed by the Illinois School Code Chapter 122, Section 50.