
Reed-Custer High School Speech Coaches: 
​Julie Nelson
RCHS Speech Coach
[email protected]
Jill Chinski
RCHS Speech Coaching Assistant
John Welsh
RCHS Speech Coaching Assistant
Carson Anderson
RCHS Speech Coaching Assistant

All students are invited to audition for the Speech Team. The season begins with open auditions in October for all fourteen of the IHSA events: the acting duets, the interpretations, the readings, the comedic speeches, the oration, the impromptu events and the radio speaking. Students are guided to the category in which they would have the most success. Rehearsals begin in mid-October and continue through the season. The Junior Varsity attends speech meets on Saturdays from December through January. The Varsity meets begin in November. Anyone on the team is eligible to make his or her way on to the Varsity team, the Conference team and/or the Regional team and advance to the state championships in February.

Meeting Times

Rehearsal times are posted by the coaches every Monday morning for the week. It is the responsibility of the student to sign up for two time slots of their choosing in their particular category with the coach they are assigned to for that week.